Roman Reigns recently spoke with Joseph Staszewski for the New York Post; you can read a few highlights below:
(Photo by Gilbert Carrasquillo/Getty Images)“So for me it’s very simple: Not only will it help fuel this fire between Brock and I, it will get some truth that needs to be said a little bit. Some people need to hear this stuff because this has kind of been a thing. Brock’s not the only part-time guy. But there are a lot of full-time guys that are never gonna, as a collective, reach our potentials if we are dominated in this portion of the year by part-time guys.”
“Whenever you have a champion who is on every single live event, every single house show, every single appearance that’s scheduled, it changes numbers. It’s true. I’ve seen it before. The tour we had after I beat in Dallas [at WrestleMania 32] the numbers didn’t lie and it’s not going to be any different [this time].”
“I’ve kind of always been that way, even before I wrestled. You kind of even like me or you don’t. The people that like me, I make sure there is a reason for you to like me. I’m kind to those who are kind to me and I live a life where I think it’s nice to be nice, so why not be nice?
“With that being said, if you’re not for me I’m not just going to shift my day and, ‘Oh God, what can I do to make you like me?’ No, I’m gonna do my thing and stick to my guns. I’m going to be the man I was raised to be and do my thing.”
“I honestly think that if I didn’t have the battle I did with John that I wouldn’t have been able to deliver the promos like I did against Brock, you know, and truly connect with how I felt and be able to deliver it in the manor and the sentiment that I wanted to be shown on live television. John absolutely 100 percent helped me.”